Global Imams and Scholars Council

The Launch of the Global Imams and Scholars Council (GISC)

Respected Scholars, Imams, and Members of the Muslim Ummah, Assalamu Alaikom Wa Rahmatu Allahe Barakatuh,, On this momentous occasion, we extend our warmest greetings to all of you. As we inaugurate The Global Imams and Scholars Council (GISC), we are also humbled by the significance of Eid ul Adha, a sacred festival that holds a […]

Global Imams & Scholars’ Charter

As inheritors of sacred knowledge, imams and scholars of the English speaking nations from diverse theological and jurisprudential backgrounds have agreed to cooperate on mutual productive work. We live in a global village and Muslims from all over the world face similar challenges in their religion and life. Although the various scholarly councils and boards […]