Global Imams and Scholars Council

About GISC

The unique collaboration of the worlds Imams and Scholars Council

Strengthening our communities and Ummah through the principles or Islam

The Global Imams and Scholars Council (GISC) is a platform that unites Muslim Scholars and Imams Councils from around the world, primarily from countries where Muslims are minorities. We come together to address the common values, principles, and concerns of the Muslim Ummah and community, while adhering to the mainstream teachings and understanding of the Quran and Sunnah as guided by the mainstream Ahlu-Sunnah Wal-Jama’a Scholars of the past and present.

Mission Statement

As inheritors of sacred knowledge, Imams and Scholars of the English-speaking nations from diverse theological and jurisprudential backgrounds have agreed to cooperate on mutually productive work. We live in a global village, and Muslims from all over the world face similar challenges in their religion and life. Although the various scholarly councils and boards will have divergent methodologies in approaching issues – pursuant to their local context, they are united in vision. It is with this vision of unity and collective work that a new vibrant and empathetic approach is needed. This new approach needs to be informed by the Islamic orthodoxy and traditional principles and values within the framework of Islam.


To unite the Muslim Scholars and Imams Councils from English-speaking countries on the common values, principles, and concerns that they all share in preserving the mainstream understanding of Islam and its integrity by identifying the challenges that they face and solutions to them, and advancing the Muslim Ummah and community globally and collectively.​


To unite and connect the English-speaking Muslim scholars and Imams Council through the GISC.

To preserve the Islamic identity, integrity, and principles in accordance with the mainstream teachings and understanding of the Quran and Sunnah and the mainstream Ahlu-Sunnah Wal-Jama’a Scholars in the past and present, particularly in non-Muslim countries.

To be an inspirational and empowering voice of the Muslim community in non-Muslim countries.

To identify the challenges that the Muslim community in non-Muslim countries are facing and identify unified solutions that will empower, enable, and advance Muslims.

To raise awareness, educate, address religious and spiritual matters, and provide relevant guidance to the Muslim Community on Islamic subjects, topics, and issues of concern to the Councils and the Muslim community in the relevant countries.

To collaborate and coordinate the efforts of the various Councils and share experiences, knowledge, and resources.

GISC Charter

Our charter outlines the principles, objectives, and guidelines that govern the functioning of GISC. It serves as a roadmap for our collective efforts in preserving the mainstream understanding of Islam and advancing the Muslim Ummah and community globally. The charter provides a framework for cooperation, collaboration, and decision-making processes within the Council.


"And hold firmly to the rope of Allāh all together and do not become divided"